Monday, November 14, 2011

Beer Reviews - Guinness Black Lager

(normally picture goes here) - Sorry but it seems the Android didn't like the fantastic picture I took and deleted it.

Given to me by one of the OB (original brewers)  from I'd Tap That HomeBrewClub, I was finally able to sit down and crack this open.
Black patent malt is very obvious in the aroma and taste. Strong black coffee is very dominant. Hops don't make up a lot of the flavor (if I had to guess I'd say cascade or saaz) . If you're looking for a lager version of the famous Stout then its close but its very light and not as creamy.
All in all for a schwarzbier I've had better. I'd drink this again but I wouldn't spend money on it. Remember, I'm no pro try it yourself and you might like it!

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